View Profile LordArashi888
"There once was a hobo named Joe. He liked to put on a show. He got up and danced, but then he got pantsed. And now, where he is, we don't know." -Adam Hockenberry

Adam @LordArashi888

Age 35, Male

1st Class SOLDIER

Hobo Joe's School for Hobodrey

Hemet, CA

Joined on 12/8/07

Exp Points:
1,630 / 1,880
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5.47 votes
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LordArashi888's News

Posted by LordArashi888 - July 3rd, 2011

Sorry I've been gone so long. (I know, I know. Again, again, again.) The military is pretty crazy sometimes, especially in the intelligence department. I had six months of hard schooling, where all I wanted to do after class is crash. I mean, its 0600 to 1600. Thats a lot of stuff to, well, stuff into one's mind. It was like a brain overload there. But now, I'm in Norfolk, VA. This is where the actual navy starts. I haven't actually transitioned into my real schedule, I'm technically still transferring from my last duty station.

So anyways, I have lots of plans. Most of which will end up costing me lots of money. And I'm hoping to accomplish a few things (this is also where Dreamweaver warriors can help). Here they are:

1. Animate the Paper Mario parody
2. Start my own website
3. Start a webcomic (Joseph, please inquire)

So, those of you who know how to operate Dreamweaver as well as getting a site up and running, please contact me. I'd very much like to get this in the air as soon as possible.

Hrm... Seems Arashi is well protected in battle, but not in the bed... >.>

Look who's back! Also, I have quesions about Dreamweaver.

Posted by LordArashi888 - April 20th, 2011

Sorry I haven't updated since my birthday. I've been so busy with the navy that I don't have a lot of time. After school, I'm so drained that I just want to be a zombie in the barracks. I will be leaving Florida in about a month, heading towards my next duty station. Thats when my REAL job starts. I also won't have homework or study material to go over. It'll be just like working a regular job... But in uniform. Hm...
Anyways, I've been trying to animate shit, but I'm just too tired. However, my next station should be much more relaxed and less time consuming. I really wish I could animate here, but its really not going to happen, which depresses me. So give me more time and I'll continue production.


Posted by LordArashi888 - January 27th, 2011

I turned 21. Yay.

Its my birthday

Posted by LordArashi888 - January 17th, 2011

I got a lot done this weekend. I animated after school on friday for a little bit, and spent a good chunk of saturday and sunday animating, too. I switched between animating projects cuz I have the attention span of a rodent. Speaking of rodent... I know that Joseph and I have our production group, but I've also started one for myself for my personal projects. If Joseph helps me with any of those projects, I will add both production group symbols on the finished work. Anyways, its called Half-Rat Productions. Wait until you see the tag... Its hillarious!

Oh, I also bought a new printer/scanner, so I'll be able to post more art. It'll also help in animating. I am behind in a lot of birthday gifts. So I'll be spending a little time there.

On another note... ALL voice acting spots have been taken. I REPEAT: ALL voice acting spots have been taken. For now... Episode 1 is filled. However, Joseph has sent great news that the next Paper Mario episode has many new voice openings!

Um... Any questions? Just post 'em!

Very Productive Weekend

Posted by LordArashi888 - January 12th, 2011

Today was my third day of class navy IT "A" school. I've already taken 9 tests! @.@
But I guess its pretty cool. I got to pull the guts out of a computer today. I'm learning a lot in a short amount of time.

Anyways, I'm just about ready to animate. I think me and Joseph have most of the lines in. Once that is certain, we are going to start the animating process. Well, I am. And this video has me doing a lot of hands on research (and by that, I mean playing Paper Mario so I can get a better feel for the backgrounds).

And for my other project, I've decided on the two voice actors. I've already got the lines in for one of the characters, and the other voice is being adjusted a little (she has a cold, I hope she gets well soon!).
So I should have two videos up shortly. It just depends on how much time I get! Wish me luck, in all things Hockenberry...


Posted by LordArashi888 - January 9th, 2011

Yes. I need a female voice actress. The details can be found here:

http://voiceactingalliance.com/board/s howthread.php?t=62451

Me and Joseph are really getting into this Paper Mario flash video. It'll be a fun project. My little side project is also turning out well. I found a perfect voice for Arashi. Yeah... Its not mine, even though he is my personal character. But my voice just doesn't match. All I need is Vivian's. Any help here would be FANTASTIC. Really. I've posted here, there, and everywhere.

I class up on Monday. WhoooooOOOOOoooOOOOoOOoOOoooooOOO.....

When is this video coming out??? I think this loveable bear can tell you...

Seeking female voice actress

Posted by LordArashi888 - December 30th, 2010

Yeah... So I haven't had access to the internet on my laptop for awhile. I made a picture and sent it out to everyone using my phone, but haven't had a chance to upload it here yet. So I waited until I had some internet access before I made a Christmas post. Anyways, Happy LATE Christmas, everyone. I hope your holidays have gone well. My time in California was great. I got to see my family and a few friends again. It was nice, especially after being cut off from them over the last three months.

Anybody get anything good for the holidays, or have any good stories to share?

Happy very-late Christmas...

Posted by LordArashi888 - May 20th, 2010

Yep. Tomorrow I give my lecture to my history class, and that's the last day in school. The following week is nothing but finals. And then freedom. Thank the gods.

So I picked up GIMP again. It confounded me to no ends last time I tried it. But I think I fixed the main problem I had last time. You can tell me by looking at my newest entry. WARNING: DO NOT VIEW THE IMAGE IF YOU DO NOT ENJOY 'A' RATED IMAGES. IT CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT AND IS NOT FOR PEOPLE UNDER 18. Ah, screw it. You're probably gonna look at it anyways.

The image was one of the many that was going to be part of the Dress Up Vivian 2 image gallery. However, I wasn't going to color the images in. But then I had half an hour before my next class, and I uploaded this image to GIMP and started editing out of sheer boredom. If it gets good reviews, I might go back and do the best images.

Anyways, I still can't get a job. My current one blows. Almost as hard as Vivian. LOL GET IT?!
-.-' Ahem...

Yeah, me and my GF are taking a break from each other. I don't think we'll be getting back together though. So I guess you can consider me single.

Big news post, I know. My NG fix was dammed up cuz of school, so I gotta type cuz its like CRACK. I can't get enough. YEEEEEAH!
Yeah, like I know everything about drugs and alcohol (that was sarcastic). I'm a clean slate. Kinda boring, huh? Yep. That's me. Anyways, comment comment comments would be awesome. And a bit of some encouragement for this next week. Finals are gonna be killer. Until next time.

OH. Wow... I haven't seen this image in forever. I miss my friend... Also, sorry DarkJPA. I had to. If you are THAT picky about it, tell me, I'll take it off my post.

I was scouted again! Wow!

One more week...

Posted by LordArashi888 - May 12th, 2010

And the war? On FINALS. All those high demanding projects are coming to an end. Thats right, its the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I turn in one of the heaviest projects I have ever done tonight. After that, all I have to do is memorize my monologues, and put together a lecture on proposition 13 for my history class. Then its finals, finals, FINALS.

And then.... Silence. Calm, peaceful silence.

Here is my summer plan:

Pick up learning how to play the guitar
Write, write, WRITE with Joseph

As you can tell, I'm already feeling better. Well, here goes nothing... CHAAAAAARGE!!!

Last battle before the war

Posted by LordArashi888 - April 29th, 2010

Hey everyone... Sorry I disappeared. Again. It seems to be the only thing I'm good at doing.

Anyways, I've been swamped. I rarely have any free time anymore. I'm actually typing this at about 2 in the morning, and I have school in a few hours. So yeah. FML.

God DAMN it, all I've been wanting to do is write and animate the FF series. I've been seeing the scenes play out in my head, and it gets even better when I hear a kickass song. Grrr.... I'm so glad school is almost over. This is really starting to depress me. I miss all my good friends here... I only get to see my IRL friends when passing them in the hallway. SO SHOOT ME NOW.

I'm dropping a class so I can focus on the others. I just can't do it. I just can't...

Feel free to hate me. I won't be able to focus on it cuz of this prison called college.

Another month or so...